A WND Exclusive: David Kupelian reveals why Valerie Jarrett is called ‘the de facto president’

published 3/23/2014

Suppose you were a committed leftist revolutionary who somehow got elected president of center-right America.

Suppose you were great at making speeches, but little else. You masked your socialist agenda in the appealing rhetoric of fairness and justice, but secretly loathed the American system of constitutional government and free-market capitalism.

Suppose you also had developed into a pathological narcissist with an absurdly grandiose view of yourself and almost no tolerance for criticism and disagreement. Suppose your ego was so fragile, your worldview so distorted, your mind so angry beneath your charismatic exterior, and your self-image of being a divinely gifted leader now in danger of disintegrating in the light and heat of mounting geopolitical turmoil and your own stunning failures as president.

Suppose, in short, you were Barack Obama.

To “stay the course” you were on – of forcing hardcore socialism on an unwilling capitalist country, despite mounting cries for you to stop – you would need help. A very special kind of help.

Before we get there, let’s just tighten our zoom and focus a little more closely on Obama’s current situation:

As of 2014, a great many people who supported him say they regret their vote. America’s economy is still in shambles and its standing in the world arguably worse. The “Affordable Care Act” has been an unqualified catastrophe with millions losing health insurance and tens of millions more expected this year.

Yet Obama feigns confidence in his programs, lies as easily as breathing and always seems to be playing golf, vacationing or fundraising. He admits he is lazy. He openly boasts about legislating from the Oval Office, refusing to work with Congress as the Constitution requires. Indeed, he doesn’t even like people, as former aide Neera Tanden, president and CEO of the highly influential progressive Center for American Progress, shockingly revealed. “The truth is,” Tanden said of the increasingly insular president, “Obama doesn’t call anyone, and he’s not close to almost anyone. It’s stunning that he’s in politics, because he really doesn’t like people.”

So here’s the question: If you were Obama, how would you be able to continue to lead the country leftward in the face of overwhelming and undeniable evidence it is absolutely the wrong direction?

First of all, you’d need a fierce personal protector from all criticism, as well as a skilled enabler constantly reassuring and comforting your gigantic but fragile ego, not to mention a consigliere whose counsel you unreservedly trusted and followed. You would also need a mentor with the almost transcendent ability to rekindle and renew your faith in your core values, however misguided and destructive. You would need – in many respects – a worldly savior.

Meet Valerie Jarrett, whom savvy Beltway insiders regard as the most powerful woman in Washington. And yet, most Americans have never even heard of her, let alone know who she is or what she does.

‘The de facto president’

For someone widely considered the most powerful adviser in the White House, a person the former editor in chief of the News York Times Magazine describes as “in many ways the de facto president,” Jarrett is virtually invisible.

For example, she never seems to make the cut for Forbes magazine’s annual list of “The United States’ Most Powerful Women.”

Named in the 2013 list are Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, of course. Also Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius and Nancy Pelosi. But not Jarrett.

From the business world, Forbes acknowledges the power and influence of Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook; Jill Abramson, executive editor of the New York Times; Virginia Rometty, president and CEO of IBM; Google VP of consumer products Marissa Mayer; and Oracle President Safra Catz.

Forbes also honors news media luminaries like ABC’s Diane Sawyer and Christiane Amanpour; Tina Brown, editor in chief of Newsweek and the Daily Beast; Fox News Channel’s
Greta Van Susteren; and Huffington Post Co-founder Arianna Huffington.

Likewise, powerful women in the entertainment world are celebrated, including Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie and Ellen DeGeneres. Even Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce and – yes – Lady Gaga made the list of America’s “most powerful women.”

These, says Forbes, are the nation’s most powerful women. But not Valerie Jarrett, who pushed Obama to ignore the advice of more moderate advisers like Rahm Emanuel and instead to destroy the greatest health-care system in world history. For it was she who convinced Obama to “go for broke” with Obamacare, which ultimately was forced down the throats of an unwilling American public and Congress, using bribery, parliamentary tricks and every conceivable tactic, including some of the most infamous political lies (“You can keep your plan/doctor/hospital”) in history.

Apparently, the woman who continues to shape America’s future by successfully convincing the president to steer left at every juncture is not as powerful and influential as Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga.

However, this is all quite intentional, part of the mystique of what Chicago Magazine calls “The mystery woman of the White House.” “VJ,” as she is known within 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., operates largely in the shadows.

And yet, in the elite circles of the executive branch, Jarrett is well known, and by many names, among them: “The night stalker,” “The Obamas’ consigliere,” “The most powerful woman in Washington,” “The spine of Obama,” “His mentor,” “The keeper of the essence,” “She who must not be challenged” and others – one of the most common being “Obama’s Rasputin.”

‘Obama’s Rasputin’

Rasputin, of course, was the reputed Russian “mystic” who served as the private and enormously influential adviser to the final Russian czar, Nicholas II, and especially his wife, Alexandra. Utterly unprepared and unqualified for the position of czar, Nicholas made mistake after mistake, and worse, was inflexible and disinterested in his own people. (Sound like any leader you know?) Rasputin, though secretive – he supposedly never spoke in public – exerted an uncanny influence on the czar and czarina, while also contributing greatly to the royal family’s ever-deepening isolation from the public. Ultimately the out-of-touch monarch, aided by the mysterious Rasputin, inadvertently led Russia into the 1917 revolution, the czar’s abdication and civil war.

Fast-forward almost a century and we are confronted with another breed of out-of-touch czar. Indeed, Jarrett has been responsible for bringing the most bizarre of presidential advisers to the Obama White House, including:

  • “Green jobs czar” Van Jones, who has described himself as a “rowdy black nationalist” and radical “communist,” having founded the communist group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. One day after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Jones led a vigil expressing solidarity with Arab and Muslim Americans and those he called victims of “U.S. imperialism” around the world;
  • Federal Communications Commission “chief diversity officer” Mark Lloyd, who once advocated having “white people” step down from positions of power to make room for “more people of color [and] gays,” who discussed instituting a 100 percent tax on broadcast outlets to fund alternative viewpoints, and who advocated reinstatement of the blatantly unconstitutional “Fairness Doctrine” to throttle conservative talk radio. Lloyd once praised Venezuelan Marxist dictator Hugo Chavez for leading “really an incredible revolution – a democratic revolution”; and,
  • Cass Sunstein, the powerful White House “regulatory czar” who has advocated that U.S. taxpayers’ wealth be redistributed to poorer nations and that government infiltrate chat rooms and social network sites to clandestinely undermine citizens’ belief in what he considers “conspiracy theories” – including the belief that global warming is a deliberate fraud. Sunstein also favors radically changing the nature and interpretation of the Constitution by 2020 and openly pushes for a new socialist-style bill of rights for Americans.

Besides bringing such off-the-charts, leftist, utopian control freaks to the White House, what else has Jarrett done for Obama?

Journalist and author Richard Miniter, in his book, “Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors who Decide for Him,” cites a source within the U.S. military’s Joint Special Operations Command who helped plan the operation to kill Osama bin Laden. It turns out Obama, on the advice of Jarrett, canceled three different times the operation to take out bin Laden – over fear of the political fallout should the mission fail. Finally, he approved the mission.

Miniter provides a revealing window into the inner sanctum of the current White House and Jarrett’s role there. In “Leading from Behind,” he writes of Obama:

[H]e can confide in almost no one, because opening up would break the spell that he has managed to cast over people with opposing views, making opponents believe he secretly agrees with each of them. The exceptions are his wife, Michelle, and his mentor, Valerie Jarrett.

The president himself says he talks to Jarrett several times a day, and that he rarely makes a major decision without consulting her. While every Nixon has his Kissinger, one of the things that make Jarrett unique in presidential history is that she is also the first lady’s mentor. Indeed, she has guided the careers and lives of both Obamas for twenty years.

At every turning point in Obama’s career, Jarrett was there to introduce, to solve or resolve, to console or confirm. She was in the room when Obama decided to run for president. And she was there on a warm summer night in July 2007 when Obama was afraid he was losing to Hillary Clinton.

Jarrett’s White House role is unprecedented. She meets privately with the president at least twice a day with no one else present. Her influence is enormous and wide-ranging. She wields informal power, like a first lady; scheduling power, like a chief of staff; and power over policy, like a special envoy. She has the unusual freedom to put herself in any meeting she chooses and to set the priorities as she sees fit. When the New York Times’ Robert Draper asked Obama if he “runs every decision past her,” the president answered immediately: “Yep. Absolutely.”

Jarrett’s radicalism has caused major eruptions with top White House personnel. As National Review Online reporter Andrew Stiles has pointed out, “Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who clashed often with Jarrett, likened her and senior aide Peter Rouse to Saddam Hussein’s maniacal sons, Uday and Qusay.”

As Stiles notes, many books and articles in recent years have detailed the inner workings of the Obama White House and provided a clearer picture of Jarrett’s role:

Jarrett’s personal friendship with the president and first lady dates back more than two decades, before the couple was married, and before Barack Obama launched his political career in Chicago. The president has said he views her “like a sibling” and trusts her “completely.” As a result, she enjoys “unlimited, almost mystical access” to the president, write Politico’s Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei, and is known as “The Keeper of the Essence,” the “defender, protector, and avenger” of all things Obama.

Edward Klein, who previously served as foreign editor of Newsweek and editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, wrote a critical book about the 44th president, titled “The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House.” Based on a multitude of interviews with sources both Republican and Democrat, including many close to the Obamas, Klein paints a disturbing portrait of a president utterly dependent on a Rasputin-like adviser:

She is Ground Zero in the Obama operation – the first couple’s first friend and consigliere, the last person to leave the Oval Office after meetings, and the only White House official who dines with the first family in their private quarters at night.

Klein quotes a longtime Jarrett friend: “She functions as the eyes, ears, and nose of the president and first lady. She tells them who’s saying what about who, who’s loyal and who’s not. She advises them about who they should see when they visit a city or a foreign country. She determines who gets invited to the White House and who is left out in the cold.”

Focusing on internal White House battles that largely escaped media attention, Klein reveals: “During the savage internecine warfare between Jarrett and Obama’s first two chiefs of staff – Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley – Obama sided most of the time with Jarrett, a classic limousine liberal who believes that Obama was elected president in order to engineer social change. Ultimately, Jarrett emasculated Emanuel and Daley and forced them from their jobs.”

How good is Jarrett’s advice? She approved the “$535 million taxpayer-funded loan guarantee to Solyndra, the California solar company that went belly up,” writes Klein, who notes that Jarrett had “close ties to the George Kaiser Family Foundation, which controlled 35.7 percent of Solyndra.” And it was Jarrett that pushed Obama to personally travel to Copenhagen in an attempt to bring the Olympics to Chicago, only to come home rebuffed, empty-handed and humiliated.

Much of Jarrett’s extraordinary influence, explains Klein, “stems from the fact that Jarrett is the president’s trusted watchdog”:

She protects the vainglorious and thin-skinned Obama from critics and complainers who might deflate his ego. No one gets past Jarrett and sees the president if they have a grievance, or a chip on their shoulder, or even an incompatible point of view.

I heard this complaint about Jarrett from practically everyone I interviewed – Republicans and Democrats, African-Americans and Jews. They all blamed Jarrett for keeping the president isolated even from those whose good opinion he needed the most.

Late last year when the big story was “Republicans shut down the government,” Klein revealed, after interviewing more than a half dozen White House and former presidential advisers, that Jarrett was the “architect” of the strategy of refusing to negotiate with Republicans over Obamacare.

“She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014,” he explained. “Valerie also came with the idea of using the words ‘hostage,’ and ‘ransom’ and ‘terrorists’ against the Republicans.”

Jarrett’s advice to Obama, according to Klein’s White House sources: “Do not cooperate one iota on Obamacare. Don’t give an inch. Let the Republicans stew in their own juice.”

In the end, said Klein, “Republicans walked into a trap set up by Valerie Jarrett and President Obama.”

The bottom line on Jarrett, writes the former Newsweek and New York Times Magazine honcho: “Despite her lack of international experience and background in economics and fiscal policy, she is in many ways the de facto president. Against the advice of more seasoned advisers, Jarrett steers the president toward decisions that make our economy less robust and our nation less safe.”

‘Mystical’ power

All this still leaves a giant question: Where does Valerie Jarrett get her quasi-”mystical” power over this president and first lady?

The most oft-cited factor is that she virtually formed his identity. As writer Karin McQuillan writes in the American Thinker essay, “Obama’s strange dependence on Valerie Jarrett”:

To understand why Obama relies so heavily on Jarrett, we must remember the president’s identity crisis as a black man, which is the main subject of his memoir, “Dreams from My Father.” Valerie Jarrett’s adoption of the Obamas as her friends and protégés in Chicago’s upper-crust black society was one of the greatest things that ever happened to Obama. Until becoming a community organizer, Obama tells us he felt himself to be an inauthentic American black. Nothing in his life helped him understand or fit into the American black community. …

When Valerie Jarrett hired Michelle to work for [Jarrett’s boss, Chicago Mayor Richard] Daley and befriended her, the Obamas gained access to the exclusive world of upper-class black Chicago politics. Valerie knew everyone whom it was important to know in black and Jewish money circles. She gave Barack entrée and legitimacy. She financed and promoted his ambitions for national office. Obama finally belonged.

Remember also that Obama – a mixed-race child abandoned by his drunk, bigamist, communist father, and who later also lost his Muslim Indonesian stepfather to divorce – ended up filling the resulting parent-vacuum with morally and ideologically perverse mentors like Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA and known pornographer, and later various Marxists (college professors he admits he “gravitated toward”), racists (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), terrorists (Bill Ayers) and criminals (Tony Rezko).

So imprinted was Obama by these toxic influences that even though, with Jarrett’s help, he embraced what he considered an “authentic” black identity, in reality he developed no real identity. That is, he never developed any sense of integrated selfhood that comes from an inner bonding with, and natural response to, common sense, truth, wholesome values, conscience, God – an inner-connectedness that alone can result in being truly whole and happy.

Quite the opposite: Obama grew into someone who strongly identified with an ideology rooted in envy, blame and payback – an ideology on whose behalf he sees himself (thanks to his inflated sense of self-worth) as a national and world leader. It is a delusion Jarrett carefully and lovingly embraces, nurtures and protects at every turn.

‘Just too talented to do what ordinary people do’

Perhaps the most potent reason she is Obama’s Rasputin is crystallized in the following statement Jarrett made to author David Remnick, published in his 2010 book, “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama”:

“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. … He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability – the extraordinary, uncanny ability – to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. … So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. … He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”

There you have it. That is how Valerie Jarrett exercises such a quasi-hypnotic hold over both of the Obamas. While the country crumbles, and while the light of reality threatens at every turn to annihilate the delusion, the epic pretense, that Obama is a great man, a great intellect and a great leader, Valerie Jarrett is there to reverse the tide, if only in Obama’s mind.

She is, in more than a metaphorical sense, the shadow president. She is Obama’s conscience. Jarrett is his radical-left Jiminy Cricket, keeping him on track to fulfill the dreams of his father.

After all, even wealthy Chicago entrepreneur and close friend of Obama, Martin Nesbitt, told the New York Times Jarrett channels the Obamas’ inner voice, telling them, for instance: “That’s not you. You wouldn’t say that. Somebody else is saying that. Barack Obama wouldn’t say that.”

Or as Jarrett told Vogue magazine, “I kind of know what makes them [the Obamas] who they are.”

Or as she told the New York Times, “We have kind of a mind meld. And chances are, what he wants to do is what I’d want to do.”

One might even be so bold as to ask, who is the real president and who is the shadow president? Who is reflecting whom? Who is actually setting the agenda in the Obama White House?

Historians will no doubt look back and ask how it’s possible that America’s 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama, could possibly have been so disastrously out of touch with reality, so consistently wrongheaded in his decisions, never course-correcting in any meaningful way despite staggering evidence at every juncture. With the clarity and objectivity that comes with the passage of time, they will surely conclude a great deal of credit goes to Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin, for enabling the president to stay the course – a course she herself was instrumental in setting his feet upon decades earlier.

The preceding article is reprinted from the March 2014 issue of Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN AMERICA.”


Obama Rewrites FOIA – Doesn’t Tell America – Sets Sights on Internet Free Speech

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The article below by Pamela Geller,  is another instance or example of the furtherance of the dictatorial spirit the Obama administration exudes. It is RAW FREEDOM being attacked. Freedom and liberty, as inspired principles of this nation, have definite spiritual connections to the unalienable rights spoken of in our founding documents. Unalienable rights are God given rights. No man can take away what God has freely given to this nation and each individual. NO MAN.

While I do not know some of the particulars that God has in store for those who perpetuate these evil attacks on freedom and liberty, I can tell you this: Everyone who loves freedom and liberty must stand up for it. It must be fought for every day. As we do our part, in this regard, I am confident God will step in when freedom loving people can do no more. We must press forward with a steadfastness and truth that can deter no one. God’s hand will help those who help themselves.

Do not give up, just re-commit. In the end, we shall claim victory because the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob shall be by our side as long as we remain a righteous people.

jim valenti



by Pamela Geller


Last week several important battles were fought in Obama’s war on free speech.

The Obama White House routinely bars news media from meetings with foreign leaders and other events, then releases its own photos of those events. But the remnants of what once was a free press in America are meekly fighting back.

The Associated Press reported last week, “The presidents of the American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Associated Press Media Editors have urged their members to stop using White House handout photos and video, saying they amount to propaganda.”

This is quite stunning coming from the very left-of-center Obama-loving mainstream media. But what they are not doing is reporting on these totalitarian tactics. Our freedoms are being crushed without a shot fired or a single New York Times front-page story.

Obama may be governing like some Third-World tin-pot dictator, but America is (was?) the world’s superpower, and the implications of these totalitarian moves are seismic. The AP is leading the charge to get access back, but it is still shining his shoes. Look at how it is reporting the story:

“The Associated Press is seeking to broaden independent news coverage of the White House under an administration that is hypersensitive about its image and which frequently bars the press from events involving President Barack Obama.” It isn’t seeking to “broaden coverage of the Obama administration”; it’s simply trying to get access to a closed and secretive administration.

Not only is Obama shutting out the press, but the Obama White House is rewriting the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, to suppress the release of politically sensitive documents. Obama rewrote the Freedom of Information Act without telling the rest of America. And AP also reported that “in a year of intense public interest over the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs, the government cited national security to withhold information a record 8,496 times – a 57 percent increase over a year earlier and more than double Obama’s first year, when it cited that reason 3,658 times.”

Imagine if a Republican ever attempted such a vicious and totalitarian power grab. Obama is the anti-freedom president. He showed that yet again by endangering today’s hallmark of the freedom of speech, the Internet, making it the target of the next offensive in his war on freedom.

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that “the Obama administration made the surprise announcement it will relinquish its oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or Icann, which assigns and maintains domain names and Web addresses for the Internet. Russia, China and other authoritarian governments have already been working to redesign the Internet more to their liking, and now they will no doubt leap to fill the power vacuum caused by America’s unilateral retreat.”

Global governance of the Internet. “Global governance?” As in the U.N.? And who and what drives the U.N.? The largest voting bloc at the U.N. is what drives its policies, and that is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, or OIC. The historian Bat Ye’or describes the OIC this way:
“The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world. It encompasses 56 Muslim states plus the Palestinian Authority. Spread over four continents, it claims to speak in the name of the ummah (the universal Muslim community), which numbers about 1.3 billion. The OIC’s mission is to unite all Muslims worldwide by rooting them in the Koran and the Sunnah – the core of traditional Islamic civilization and values. It aims at strengthening solidarity and cooperation among all its members, in order to protect the interests of Muslims everywhere and to galvanize the ummah into a unified body.”
 The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation will undoubtedly demand the suppression of websites that “insult Islam” or “encourage hatred,” and they won’t be referring to jihad forums that foment violence and incite to slaughter. The WSJ explains: “According to the administration’s announcement, the Commerce Department will not renew its agreement with Icann, which dates to 1998. This means, effective next year, the U.S. will no longer oversee the ‘root zone file,’ which contains all names and addresses for websites world-wide. If authoritarian regimes in Russia, China and elsewhere get their way, domains could be banned and new ones not approved for meddlesome groups such as Ukrainian-independence organizations or Tibetan human-rights activists.”
Readers of my website,, are well aware of the goals of the OIC. It has already gotten passed a proposal in the U.N., backed by Muslim nations, urging the passage of laws around the world protecting religion from criticism. Islam is the only religion specifically named as deserving protection.Websites like mine are the ones that dare speak of the truth of Islam and report on the jihad and the terrible human rights abuses, the persecution of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, etc., the oppression of women and children, the murder of nonbelievers, the brutal imposition of Shariah law, Islamic supremacism, academic jihad, social jihad, cultural jihad, Shariah finance, stealth jihad and the galloping global jihad. The corrupt media are already subdued and self-censor. The net is all there isBack in 2009, Obama threatened such anti-freedom action; I wrote about it at the time. He backed off after the American people and the Congress protested.Where are the American people now?

Consumer Reports: “Stay Away From”

by Mac Salvo  of


One of America’s most well known and trusted organizations has given potential health care seekers yet another concern over the Patient Affordable Care Act.

According to Consumer Reports the government’s web site, which is the primary entry point for millions of people needing to sign up for health care plans, is a “mess.”

Citing numerous issues including login problems, non functioning activation emails and a near 97% failure rate for account creation, the consumer watchdog has warned that people should stay away from the site for at least another month.

Frustrated by trying to register on You’re hardly alone. Of the 9.47 million people who tried to register in the first week, only 271,00 were able to create an account, according to one analysis. That’s about 1 in 35. Many people couldn’t even create user names and passwords.

If all this is too much for you to absorb, follow our previous advice: Stay away from for at least another month if you can. Hopefully that will be long enough for its software vendors to clean up the mess they’ve made. The coverage available through the marketplaces won’t begin until Jan. 1, 2014, at the earliest, and you have until Dec. 15 to enroll if you need insurance that starts promptly.

Historically, when Consumer Reports issues product warnings manufacturers, distributors and retailers may initiate a product recall, advising consumers of the dangers involved. In a free market involving the free exchange of goods and service Consumer Reports’ warnings are often heeded in an effort to prevent a public relations nightmare and the potential for class-action lawsuits.

In this case, however, the warning involves government mandated services, so the normal rules don’t apply because, frankly, government officials could care less.

In a perfect world we could just issue a recall, take the product off the shelves, and send the promoters to prison for false advertising and consumer endangerment.


Historical Documents Of Critical Importance

We should all be anxiously engaged in the history of our country. It is our duty and responsibility to become informed and work at understanding what our history is and means. True history educates and invigorates the thirsty mind and the active heart. It becomes the catalyst for individual action in a representative republic like the United States of America. 

Lethargy and apathy on the other hand, are the forerunners of an ill informed electorate. An electorate that is easily taken in by promise after promise with no beneficial results for the country. True history for these people remains even more critical as they become even more important for the proper outcome desired for our country during any particular time period.  

Below are sets of documents for those who wish to start studying history or wish to continue in its proper path.

  jim  valenti


“It is the duty of every good citizen to use all the opportunities which occur to him, for preserving documents relating to the history of our country.” —Thomas Jefferson, 1823

Founding Documents

Foundations of the West (Ancient-1492)

Exploration and the Colonial Era (1492-1765)

Independence and the Early State (1765-1789)

Antebellum America (1789-1860)

Secession and War (1860-1865)

Reconstruction and Westward Expansion (1865-1914)

The Modern State and Foreign Engagement (1914-1945)

Cold War, Cultural Upheaval, and the Reagan Era (1945-1991)

Contemporary America (1991-Present)

Party Platforms

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona

Below are some facts I found on facebook about Sheriff Arpaio. Interesting methods. Wonder if some other sheriffs across the USA could use these ideas?


For those not familiar with Joe Arpio, he is the County Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona. He keeps getting re-elected over and over again. These are some of the reasons why:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio created the “tent city jail” to save Arizona from spending tens of millions of dollars on another expensive prison complex.Inmates sleep in tents!

He has jail meals down to 20 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them. He banned smoking and pornographic magazines in the jails, and took away their weightlifting equipment and cut off all but “G” movies. He says: “They’re in jail to pay a debt to society not to build muscles so they can assault innocent people when they leave.”

He started chain gangs to use the inmates to do free work on county and city projects and save taxpayer’s money. Men work in Pink “Clean and Sober” Shirts. Their underwear is also Pink! Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn’t get sued for discrimination.

He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal court order that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again but only allows the Disney channel and the weather channel. When asked why the weather channel, he replied: “So these morons will know how hot it’s gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs.”

He cut off coffee because it has zero nutritional value and is therefore a waste of taxpayer money. When the inmates complained, he told them, “This isn’t the Ritz/Carlton. If you don’t like it, don’t come back.” 

He also bought the Newt Gingrich lecture series on US history that he pipes into the jails. When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series that actually tells the truth for a change would be welcome and that it might even explain why 95% of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.

With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record for June 2nd 2009), the Associated Press reported: About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed wire surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts.

On the Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing pink boxer shorts were overheard chatting in the tents, where temperatures reached 128 degrees.”This is hell. It feels like we live in a furnace,” said Ernesto Gonzales, an inmate for 2 years with 10 more to go. “It’s inhumane.”

Joe Arpaio, who makes his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. “Criminals should be punished for their crimes – not live in luxury until it’s time for parole, only to go out and commit more crimes so they can come back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things many taxpayers can’t afford to have for themselves.”

The same day he told all the inmates who were complaining of the heat in the tents: “It’s between 120 to 130 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents there too, and they have to walk all day in that sun, wearing full battle gear and getting shot at, and THEY have not committed any crimes, so shut your damned mouths!”

Sheriff Joe was just re-elected for the fourteenth time as Sheriff in Maricopa County, Arizona.