The Courage To Move

What are our politicians doing to this country?

Some of those whom supposedly stand for freedom, love country and proclaim inestimable allegiance to the USA, are the ones destroying the Constitution. And it comes from both the democrat and republican progressive camps.

There are many issues that are simultaneously coming to the forefront. It was designed that way to make us tired of fighting for what is right. This is the Cloward and Piven method of bringing the country to a halt.

One of those issues at the forefront is GUN CONTROL.

A Bristol, Connecticut based gun company, PTR Industries, has stated their intent to leave the state and have called for everyone in the industry within Connecticut to do the same. The quote, from PTR Vice President John McNamara states the reasons:

“We feel that our industry as a whole will continue to be threatened so long as it remains in a state where its elected leaders have no regard for the rights of those who produce and manufacture its wealth,” the statement reads.

“We are making a call to all involved in our industry to leave this state, close your doors and show our politicians the true consequences of their hasty and uninformed actions. We encourage those in our industry to abandon this state as its leaders have abandoned the proud heritage that forged our freedom.”

Personally, I hope every firearms manufacturer, ammunitions producer along with all other connected industries, pick themselves up and move to a state which is 2nd Amendment friendly and supportive of the industry. PTR Industries will be weighing their options on where they’ll be moving, but, they’re leaving a hostile state. They’ll end up in a state that has an environment laden with right headed policies for company growth.

Like PTR Industries, I call on all industry within Connecticut related to the gun business, to consider seriously departing such a hostile state. It will do nothing but retard industry growth and hinder policy changes by top officials for the better.

I salute PTR Industries and their tough call. Below is the complete letter from their website about their decision to relocate:

PTR to Move from Connecticut

 Posted on April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013


This past week an historic and highly controversial bill was passed by the State of Connecticut which will have far reaching consequences to the state, its citizens, and businesses. The bill we refer to is Bill No. 1160, AN ACT CONCERNING GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND CHILDRENS SAFETY. This bill purports to reduce gun violence by banning hardware responsible for less than 3% of homicides in 2011 ; and claims to increase children’s safety by restricting the ability of those most responsible for it – their parents – to defend them.

As a firearms manufacturing firm, our industrial roots reach deep in the State of CT. Along with other companies in the trade, we were deeply apprehensive at the hurried process to develop new gun laws and fearful that it would generate unintended consequences for our industry. On Thursday April 4th 2013, upon reading the full text of Bill 1160, our worst fears were confirmed. What emerged was a bill fraught with ambiguous definitions, insufficient considerations for the trade, conflicting mandates, and disastrous consequences for the fundamental rights of the people of CT.

The magnitude of the constitutional and economic importance of this bill is such that the disregard for public input (in the final version), and the haphazard production of the legislation should be insulting to any citizen or business in CT. It should be a shock to us all that such landmark legislation could be written in one week, and seen by no one (including the rank-and-file legislators) prior to its emergency certification. Having been present in the deliberations in both legislative chambers, it was clear that a majority of our legislators had not even read the bill – and those that had read it had only a cursory understanding.

The process with which this legislation proceeded, along with the language that resulted gives us no confidence that this will be the last violation of our rights in our beloved home state, and we only hope that this does not set a precedent at a national level.

The rights of the citizens of CT have been trampled upon. The safety of its children is at best questionably improved from the day of the tragedy that triggered the events that lead us here. Finally, due to an improperly drafted bill, manufacturing of modern sporting rifles in the State of CT has been effectively outlawed. With a heavy heart but a clear mind, we have been forced to decide that our business can no longer survive in Connecticut – the former Constitution state.

Furthermore, we feel that our industry as a whole will continue to be threatened so long as it remains in a state where its elected leaders have no regard for the rights of those who produce and manufacture its wealth. We are making a call to all involved in our industry to leave this state, close your doors and show our politicians the true consequences of their hasty and uninformed actions. We encourage those in our industry to abandon this state as its leaders have abandoned the proud heritage that forged our freedom.

Although PTR has not decided upon a specific relocation site at this time, over the coming weeks the company will be actively considering offers from states that are friendly to the industry. We hope to have a site identified within the next six weeks, and hope to have our move completed by the end of this year. We plan to keep our business partners informed on the status of our move throughout this process in order to affect a smooth transition.

We have extended the invitation to join us in the move to all of our employees, as well as all of our vendors. We are pleased to say that we currently have commitments to move from a majority of our employees, which includes ALL of our management personnel, engineering staff and skilled gunsmiths.

It is our hope and sincere belief that this move will represent a step forward for the company; and that by bringing our expertise and core personnel to combine with the business friendly policies, and a motivated local labor force from a state that respects industry and the second amendment that we can expand our operations and not only maintain – but increase the quality and reputation of our products.

Please direct any questions or inquiries to John McNamara, Vice President of Sales, at or at our main phone number.

Sequestration: U.S. Spends $288 Million On Ammunition For Afghan National Police

4/3/2013  by   of


Despite the fearmongering over sequestration, it is only the deicisions of the Obama administration as to what they cut and what they don’t that are troubling. One of the biggest issues to come out of the administration was the Department of Homeland Security releasing hundreds of illegals who were also convicted felons. They lateradmitted they didn’t have to do that. However, according to a detailed quarterly report, issued by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), the U.S. government is giving away $288 million of our tax dollars to supply the Afghan National Police (ANP), the ones who are engaging in killing our troops after they are trained, with ammunition. That’s more than six times the budget that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has for its ammunition purchases this year.

Not only has the U.S. spent more than $366 million on weapons for the ANP, but the government intends to spend another $14.2 million arming them.

In addition, $3.4 billion has been spent on equipment and transportation, including weapons for the ANP. According to the report, “most of these funds were used to purchase weapons and related equipment, vehicles, and communications equipment.”

The report details the wasted tax dollars on the ANP. “SIGAR’s audit of ANP vehicle maintenance found that the United States spent $6.8 million over 17 months to maintain vehicles that had already been destroyed,” the report reads.

The U.S. is expected to spend another $19.4 million on vehicles for the ANP.

Sigar’s reports also pointed out that “a U.S.-funded Afghan Border Police Company headquarters was sitting largely unused,” which raised concerns “about the long-term usability and sustainability of an ANP provincial headquarters.”

This isn’t all. The Washington Free Beacon reports,

The United States has also provided major funding to pay for ANP salaries.

The force is set to become 157,000 strong, according to projections, and “will require an estimated $628.1 million per year to fund salaries ($265.7 million), incentives ($224.2 million), and food ($138.2 million),” according to SIGAR.

The theft of fuel continues to be an ongoing problem for the United States in Afghanistan, according to the report. The United States has spent about $4.2 billion on fuel for the Afghan National Army.

“Fuel is ‘liquid gold’ in Afghanistan—easy to steal, easy to sell on the black market,” SIGAR noted in its report. “Buyers of stolen fuel can be local gasoline stations, roadside vendors, U.S. contractors without access to military fuel depots, or Afghan insurgents.”

“Whether gasoline, jet fuel, or diesel, fuel is readily transportable by truck, rail, or pipeline. Each mode has vulnerabilities to theft that SIGAR is trying to alleviate,” SIGAR reported.

There are currently “24 open investigations concerning fuel” theft and misappropriation.

SIGAR also reported that prime-contractor drivers often “short” the fuel they deliver. This should come as no surprise that there is a ton of wasted money going to these foreign entities and you and I are paying for it.

The Beacon reported back in February that lawmakers were concerned about $1 billion dollars of tax payer funds that were spent on oil purchases for the ANP and that oil is suspected to have been purchased through Iran, which indicate that the U.S. is the biggest violator of its own sanctions.

In that instance, Subcommittee on National Security Chairman Jason Chaffetz(R-UT) and Ranking Minority Member John F. Tierney(D-MA) wrote to outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and asked him to hand over detailed record that accounted for how the $1 billion was spent.

“We request a briefing to learn more about the potential that the lack of [oil funding] accountability measures may have heightened the risk U.S. taxpayers could be supporting the purchase of Iranian fuel,” they wrote. Lawmakers have repeatedly asked for this information and, like Fast and Furious, they keep setting deadlines for a response that are never met by this administration.

SIGAR’s lead inspector gave testimony at the beginning of February that potentially billions of U.S. taxpayer money has been wasted and lost in Afghanistan due to “fruitless reconstruction projects that are awash in corruption and have little government oversight.”

Here we are funding those that kill our troops and drive our nation further into debt, but don’t worry, it doesn’t seem to have affected Barack Obama and his family. After all they are spending millions on monthly vacations and welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood into the people’s House, while stopping tours for the very people who own that House as they cite sequestration as the reason. Anyone else smell what Barack is shoveling?

The most reprehensible part of this is we are being told that our own military are having to tighten their budgeting belts, while those that would seek to do us harm are given billions of Americans’ hard earned tax dollars. When I think of what this actually is, the “T” word crosses my mind, what about yours?

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